Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Preschool is a unique educational community where the staff, students and parents share the love of the Lord and God’s Word. We, in cooperation with the home, commit to recognize each child’s God given potential, to guide each child, to appreciate their abilities and to provide experiences that will allow each to fulfill their spiritual, emotional, educational, social and physical needs. As a valid expression of the mission of the church, we intend for our students to grow in their relationship to God, their peers, their country and the world around them.
Shepherd of the Valley Preschool is a community that respects the individual qualities of each child. Each student is viewed as a child of God with uniquely individual developmental needs and abilities. We help each child to grow in faith and recognize the love and forgiveness revealed through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. We recognize that parents have the primary responsibility to educate their children, and we strive to work together in mutual trust and cooperation to enhance the development of each child. Our nurturing staff works closely with the family to ensure a smooth transition from home to school.